==[]-- Slide rule art

There are millions of slide rule photos (including nude ones) on the net, there are also some slide rule cartoons. But in ASCII art slide rule hasn't been represented yet in the way it deserves. This page fills this gap a little bit.

Assorted pictures of different authors

This is my very first slide rule picture.
| 1'9'8'7""6""5"""4""""3""""""2'''''''''1|
  >     | 1'''''''''2""""""3""""4"""5""6""7'8'9'1|
| 1'''''''''2""""""3""""4"""5""6""7'8'9'1|
More detailed design refined with the help of Alex Dethler:
 | 1'9||'7""6"|5"""4"||3""""""2'''''''''1|
  \_  || | 1''|''''''||""""3""""4"""5""6""7'8'9'1|
 | 1''||'''''2|"""""3||"4"""5""6""7'8'9'1|------`
 |____|`------^------`|__________________|  ad, nsg

 |    |.------.------.|                  |
 | 1'9||'7""6"|5"""4"||3""""""2'''''''''1|
  |   || |    |      ||                          |
   >  || | 1''|''''''||""""3""""4"""5""6""7'8'9'1|
 |    ||      |      ||                  |------`
 | 1''||'''''2|"""""3||"4"""5""6""7'8'9'1| ad
This rule by Axel Poque is really big. I think you may even do calculation with it.
|     |'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|'"'!'"'|     |
|     0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14     |
|                                                     |          |          |                                               |
|       8 9 1              2        3n     4    5   6 |7  8 9 1  |          |2        3      4    5   6  7  8 9 1           |
     |      ||'|'|'!'!'!'!'|!!!!|!!!!|'!'|!!'|""|""|'|||'|!!|!!|'|'|'!'!'!'!||!!!!|!!!!|'!'|'!'|""|""|'|'|'|!!|!!|'|'|'!'!'!     |
     |       8 9 1              2        3n     4    5|  6  7  8 9 1        |     2        3      4    5   6  7  8 9 1           |
     |                                                |          |          |                                                    |
     |       9   1    1c  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 9 2     |          3 n     C  | 4        5        6      7    8    9   1  1 c      |
|       |"|"|''''|'!'|""|""|""|""|""|""|"|"|'!'!'!'!'||"'!""|'!'!|!'|""!"|''|'|'!'|''''|'!'|'"'!""|""|"|""|"|"|"|""|!       |====
|       9   1    1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8 9 2          |     3 n  |       4  |     5        6      7    8    9   1  1        |
Two below fit 70 character width limit:
|  |"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|"!"|  |
|  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13   4  |
    |   |891"!"|""2""|"3n|4|5"6|7891"!"|"|2""!"3"|"4|5"67891"!|   |
    |                      |     I     |                          |
|   9!1"1"2"3"4"5"67892"|"||""3n"|""4""|"5"!"6""7""8"9"1"1    |===
| 0""1""2""3""4""5""6""7""8""9"10"11"12"13"14  |
    |  891""""2""3n"|"567891""|!"2""3"4"5"67891""  |
    |               |    I    |                    |
|  9"1"1234567892""!|"3n"c"4""|""6""7"8"9"1"1  |===

This is my best one:
       /\   \
       \ \   \
        \ \   \
         \ \   \____
         _\_\___\   \
        \ \   \   \   \
         \ \   \   \   \
          \ \   \   \   \
           \ \   \   \   \
            \ \   \   \   \
             \_\   \   \   \ _
             \ \\    \   \    \\
              \ \\-------------\\
               \ \\    \   \    \\
                \ \\=============\\
                 \// \   \   \   \/
                    \ \   \   \   \
                     \ \   \   \   \
                      \ \   \   \   \
                       \ \   \   \   \
                        \ \   \   \   \
                         \ \   \___\   \
                          \ \   \__/\   \
                           \ \___\_\_\___\
                            \ \nsg _______\
                             \ \___\ \/___/

Pocket rules


[||_________|__|__|___| |_______

 [_1..2.3|n4|56|891 ]_
  _] 1""2|3n|"5|7apx _]

Now some small ones (tie clips):

 ,,JE[|]F~~             by Nate / DAC
Unfortunately the above one is designed with font where ~ symbol is located in the top of the char space. This is not true for all fonts. For some browsers this one may look better:
And more tie clips:
 #  =|==|==#=====
=#===|==|==#=              nsg

########I__|__I####        apx

        / > ,
       / / / >
      / / / /
     / /^Y /
    / / / /
   / / / /
  <,/ / /
   / /`Y
  / /    nsg

... and very small ones (cuff links):

  ==[]--          nsg
  ==H===          apx
And some by ad:









I wish to express my gratitude to the artists whose works are used in this page.
ad -- Alex Dethler <alexdethler@netscape.net>
apx -- Axel Poque <axel.pq@t-online.de>
nsg -- Andrew Nikitin <nsg21@hotmail.com>
Nate / DAC <natedac@southwind.net>

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