Color path


Bring your character ("") to the treasure (""). Follow pathways in the order and so on. The path which is currently available has solid color, other paths are dashed. Use mouse or keyboard to move around.


There are 12 different puzzles of increasing level of complexity. I took the puzzles from the book "The Zen of the Labyrinth" by Dave Phillips. I liked the puzzles and wanted to solve them, but it was too difficult to keep track of which color am I supposed to follow, especially for larger and longer puzzles. (This is not meant as a ctiticism, author went out of his way to design maze rules and mazes that have simple enough restrictions to follow them without a computer, but challenging to solve) I searched for the javascript implementation on the internet, but only found some iOS app. I first made an MSX BASIC implementation, but ended up making a javascript version as well.

There are 8 more puzzles of this type in the book. I did not put them in the first (MSX BASIC) imlementation because they are taller than 24 blocks and would not fit in SCREEN1 video mode. That would not be a problem here, but I can no longer find my paper copy of a book.

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